SQL Queries - Assignment - 2

 Assignment 2


Write SQL Queries for the following (based on the above data). You can use SQL Server Management Studio to run your queries:

Hint/Note : You will be using two features here. [1]. use of aliases [2]. use of DISTINCT keyword.
  1. Select (display) all the details of all the residents 
  2. Select (display) floor numbers from the flatMaster table. (What are all the flats?)
  3. Select (display) residentName, phone and email of all the residents
  4. Select (display) all the flat details.
  5. Select (display) resident's Name, Date of Birth and flat they belong to
  6. Select (display) residentName as (Resident Name), DOB as (Date Of Birth) , flatNo (Flat Residing In)
  7. Display unique floors
  8. Display unique blocks
  9. What are all distinct size of flats available
  10.  Select (display) all users names with their respective passwords
  11. Select (display) all the maid/househelp details with their experience
  12. Select (display) all the maid names and the flat they are working in
  13. Select (Display) all the unique maid/househelp names 
