C Programming - Assignment 10
Assignment - 10
- There are two arrays a[5]={1,23,45,3,66}; and b[5]={67,43,23,44,88}. Now create a third array tot[10] and try to store values of a and b.
- Consider the same two arrays above. Store the values of the arrays in the third array using the following rules
- All the even values from a and b to be stored in tot left to right
- All the odd values from a and b are to be stored in tot right to left
- Input 10 values in an array a[10] and then try to store all the values of a[10] to b[10] in such a way that follows some rules. The rules are :
- All the even values from a to be stored in b left to right
- All the odd values from a to be stored in b right to left
- Input 10 values in an array and find the largest value
- input 10 values in an array and find the smallest value
- Input 10 values in an array and find the second largest value
- Input 10 values in an array, then input one another value find how many times this value is available in the array
- Input 10 values in an array, then a number find how many values are greater, equal and smaller than the given values
- Input 10 values in an array and interchange the values of the array in place
- Input 10 values in an array and display the numbers which are the type of majority of numbers in the array.
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