C Programming - Assignment 10

 Assignment - 10


  1. There are two arrays a[5]={1,23,45,3,66}; and b[5]={67,43,23,44,88}. Now create a third array tot[10] and try to store values of a and b.
  2. Consider the same two arrays above. Store the values of the arrays in the third array using the following rules
    1. All the even values from a and b to be stored in tot left to right 
    2. All the odd values from a and b are to be stored in tot right to left
  3. Input 10 values in an array a[10] and then try to store all the values of a[10] to b[10] in such a way that follows some rules. The rules are :
    1. All the even values from a to be stored in b left to right
    2. All the odd values from a to be stored in b right to left
  4. Input 10 values in an array and find the largest value
  5. input 10 values in an array and find the smallest value
  6. Input 10 values in an array and find the second largest value
  7. Input 10 values in an array, then input one another value find how many times this value is available in the array
  8. Input 10 values in an array, then a number find how many values are greater, equal and smaller than the given values
  9. Input 10 values in an array and interchange the values of the array in place
  10. Input 10 values in an array and display the numbers which are the type of majority of numbers in the array.
