C Programming - Assignment 11

 Assignment 11


  • Write an interactive program to implement a STACK data structure using arrays. The program should display the following options :
    • PUSH
    • POP
    • EXIT
          Do you want to do any more [Y/N]:
          Program would keep asking the desired option to be selected
          by the user. Is would perform the task based on the option                    selected.
  • Write an interactive program to implement QUEUE data structure using arrays. The program should display the following options
    • INSERT
    • DELETE
    • EXIT

        Do you want to enter any more [ y/n]
        Program would keep asking the desired option to be selected by             the user. As per the option selected it has to perform the task.

  • Write an interactive program to input many values in an array. Then it should ask for the position at which one value would be inserted into the array
  • Write an interactive program to input many values in an array. It should ask for the position and delete the value at that position
  • Input 10 values in an array then input another value search this value in the array using the binary search method.
  • Input 10 values in an array and sort those values using any of the sorting algorithm
  • We have two sorted arrays say a[5] and b[5]. Now merge these two arrays in a 3rd array c[10] so that they are merged in proper sequence.
