C Programming - Assignment - 14
Assignment 14
All the questions in this assignment are based on the concept of strings.
- Input a multiword string and print it.
- Input a string and check the fifth character is a vowel or a consonant
- Input a string and check the first character is in lower case or in upper case.
- Input a string and find the length of the string.
- Input a string and find the number of vowels in it.
- Input a string and then find the number of consonants in it
- Input a string and then find number of bank spaces in it
- input a string and then find number of words in it
- Input a string and then find how many times the first character occurs in it.
- Input a string and then reverse it. [ Say the string is : “This” then reversed is sihT” ]
- Input a string then find whether it is palindrome or not?
- Input a string and convert it into Lower case
- Input a string and then convert it into UPPER CASE
- Input a string and then convert it into Title case [ This Is A Book ]
- Input a string and then convert it into toggle case.
- Input a name consists of First Name, Middle Name and Last Name [say : Raj Kumar Verma] and print the name as R.K. Verma
- Input a name consisting of First Name, Middle Name and Last Name [Say : Raj Kumar Verma] and print the name as Raj K. Verma
- Input a string and then input a character. Print the second index of that character in that string. For example : string – this is a book. And the character is ‘s’ . Second index of ‘s’ is 6.
- Input a string and check whether it is "Pangram" or not. Hint : Panagram is a string which contain all the alphabets (a-z). Example: A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
- Input two strings and check if they are Isomorphic to each other. Hint : two string s1 and s2 are isomorphic is there is one to one mapping possible for every character of s1 to every character of s2. Example : s1 = xxy, s2 = aab (these two are isomorphic). s1=aab, s2=xyz (not isomorphic).
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