C Programming - Assignment 16

 Assignment 16


All the questions in the assignment are based on strings. 

  1. Input a multiword string and then find the length of largest substring in the main string. [ e.g. string is : This is an interesting story then it should print “The length of largest substring is : 11
  2. Input a multiword string and then find the length of smallest substring in the main string. [ e.g. string is : This is an interesting story” then it should print “The length of smallest substring is :2
  3. Input a multiword string and then print the largest substring in the main string. [ e.g. string is : “This is an interesting story” then it should print “The largest substring is : interesting
  4. Input a multiword string. Then input start index. Input another small string replace all the characters from the starting index in the main string [Works like replace].
  5. Input a multiword string and reverse the word in the string which is largest in length.
