
Showing posts from July, 2024

Welcome to CodeWithAbby!

  Hello Everyone! Welcome to the blog " CodeWithAbby ". One stop solution for all your technical needs. I am from INDIA and create informative videos/write blogs and contents on various technical topics. Programming Languages, .NET Frameworks, .NET Core, Databases, Security, Career Development etc. Comment or write me for any of your queries at . Our youtube channels : Stay tuned.... Stay updated! Regards, Abby

SQL Queries - Assignment-5

 Assignment - 5 ------------------------- Write SQL Queries for the following (based on the above data). You can use SQL Server Management Studio to run your queries: Hint/Note :  You will be using the features here  IN, BETWEEN & TOP  Select (Display) all the floor details for the ground , first and second floor Select (Display) all the floor details except for the ground , first and second floor Select (Display) all the floor details having area in square feet between 1000 to 1300 Select (Display) all the floor details having area in square feet NOT between 1000 to 1300 Select (Display) all the residents details who were born between 1970 to 1980 Select (Display) top 1 residents details  Select (Display) top 50%  residents details   Select (Display) top 2 residents who resides in block 'A'  Select (Display) all residents whose name starts from letter 'A' - 'P' Select (Display) all users whose credentials created between January 2021 to ...

SQL Queries - Assignment-4

 Assignment 4 -------------------------- Write SQL Queries for the following (based on the above data). You can use SQL Server Management Studio to run your queries: Hint/Note :  You will be using the features here. [1].  AND, OR  , SQL Functions Select (Display) all the residents who were born before 1970. Select (Display) all the flats belonging to block 'A' and area in square feet is less than 1300 Select (Display) all residents who resides either in Block A or her/his names starts with 'A' ( No JOIN required) Select (Display) all residents who born between 1960 and 1970 Select (Display) all residents who are not of block 'A' Select (Display) all flats belonging to block 'A' and not ground floor Select (Display) all residents whose phone number starts with 9 and having gmail account Select (Display) all the flat details which are more than 1200 sqft but less than 1350 sqft Select (Display) all the flats on second floor but not in block 'B' Sel...

SQL Queries - Assignment - 3

 Assignment 3 -------------------------- Write SQL Queries for the following (based on the above data). You can use SQL Server Management Studio to run your queries: Hint/Note :  You will be using three features here. [1].  WHERE Clause   [2].  Like Keyword and [3]. Operators in SQL Select (Display) all the flats belonging to 'A' Block. Select (Display) all the 3rd floor flats Select (Display) all the active users Select (Display) all the residents whose names start with English letter 'a' or 'A' Select (Display) all the residents whose names end with English letter 'a' or 'A' Select (Display) all the residents whose names second character English letter 'a' or 'A' Select (Display) all the residents whose names third character English letter 'i' Select (Display) all the residents whose names contain the word 'kumar' Select (Display) all the residents whose names  First character is 'a' and second character ...

SQL Queries - Assignment - 2

  Assignment 2 ------------------------ Write SQL Queries for the following (based on the above data). You can use SQL Server Management Studio to run your queries: Hint/Note :  You will be using two features here. [1]. use of aliases [2]. use of DISTINCT keyword. Select (display) all the details of all the residents  Select (display) floor numbers from the flatMaster table. (What are all the flats?) Select (display) residentName, phone and email of all the residents Select (display) all the flat details. Select (display) resident's Name, Date of Birth and flat they belong to Select (display) residentName as (Resident Name), DOB as (Date Of Birth) , flatNo (Flat Residing In) Display unique floors Display unique blocks What are all distinct size of flats available  Select (display) all users names with their respective passwords Select (display) all the maid/househelp details with their experience Select (display) all the maid names and the flat they are working in Se...

SQL Queries - Assignment 1

 Assignment 1 -------------------------- Create the following tables using SQL Server Management Studio.  Table Name : flatMaster About this table: The flatMaster table is a master table which holds all the details related to all the flats in the apartment. This table has got flatNo as primary key as there is no duplicate flat numbers (and no blank) in the apartment. Flat numbers are written/captured in such a way that they give meaning to block number and flat number. A101 gives the meaning as , this belongs to block 'A' and then number of the flat is 101. Field Name Field Type Constraints (if any) Description flatNo varchar(10) PRIMARY KEY This field contain the flat number. This would an alphanumeric value. For example : A303 (means block A and flat no. 303) floorNo smallint NA Floor number. For example : 1 , 2, 3 block varchar(20) NA This is the name of the block. For example : 1 , ‘A’, etc. areasqft float NA Example : 1100 etc. comments varchar(100) NA Any additional com...

C Programming - Assignment - 17

 Assignment 17 --------------------------- All the questions in this assignment are based on functions in C. fact () which takes one argument of integer type and returns the factorial of given number increment() which takes an integer argument and then check it is event or odd if even increase it by 2 and if odd increase it by 1 A function which takes an array as argument and reverse the array. The function name is rev_array() A function which takes two arguments base and power values and calculate the power result then it returns it to main A function which takes an array as input and another number. This checks how many time this number has occurred and then prints that occurrence A function that takes and array and another number and perform binary search. The function name may be search_binary().

C Programming - Assignment 16

 Assignment 16 --------------------------- All the questions in the assignment are based on strings.  Input a multiword string and then find the length of largest substring in the main string. [ e.g. string is : This is an interesting story  then it should print “T he length of largest substring is : 11 ” Input a multiword string and then find the length of smallest substring in the main string. [ e.g. string is : This is an interesting story ” then it should print “ The length of smallest substring is :2 ” Input a multiword string and then print the largest substring in the main string. [ e.g. string is : “This is an interesting story” then it should print “ The largest substring is : interesting “ Input a multiword string. Then input start index. Input another small string replace all the characters from the starting index in the main string [Works like replace]. Input a multiword string and reverse the word in the string which is largest in length.

C Programming - Assignment 15

 Assignment 15 -------------------------- All the questions in this assignment are based on "Strings". Input a string and squeeze all the blank spaces in it. [ e.g. “code goes here” should be converted into “Codegoeshere” ] Input a string and then print which character has occurred maximum time in the string. [ e.g. “Code goes here” the output should be “e has occurred maximum that is 4 times” Input a string and decode encode it. [ You can use the encoding algorithm is as each character is to be converted into its 4th equivalent character ] Input a string and print the frequency of each character.  Input a string and reverse it in place. [ e.g. “Code goes here” should be reversed as “edoC seog ereh” Input a string and extract a substring out of it. The starting and ending positions of the substring are entered by user. Input a string and remove the duplicate occurring of any character in it at contiguous places. Input a multi word string and then reverse the order of the word...

C Programming - Assignment - 14

 Assignment 14 ---------------------------- All the questions in this assignment are based on the concept of strings. Input a multiword string and print it. Input a string and check the fifth character is a vowel or a consonant Input a string and check the first character is in lower case or in upper case. Input a string and find the length of the string. Input a string and find the number of vowels in it. Input a string and then find the number of consonants in it Input a string and then find number of bank spaces in it input a string and then find number of words in it Input a string and then find how many times the first character occurs in it. Input a string and then reverse it. [ Say the string is : “This” then reversed is sihT” ] Input a string then find whether it is palindrome or not? Input a string and convert it into Lower case Input a string and then convert it into UPPER CASE Input a string and then convert it into Title case [ This Is A Book ] Input a string and then c...

C Programming - Assignment 13

Assignment 13 -------------------------- input values in a 3 x 3 matrix and print the values of front diagonal input values in a 3 x 3 matrix and print the values of reverse diagonal Input values in a 3 x 3 matrix and find the sum of all the rows. Display the sum just after the rows in the same way given below         1      2     3      =      6         2     3     5       =      10         4     3     7       =      14      Input the values in a 3 x 3 matrix and find the sum of each column.  Input values in a 3 x 3 matrix and find the difference of the sums of both the diagonals Input values in a 3 x 3 matrix and find the sum of only upper triangle values Input values in a matrix 3 x 3 and then check this matrix is UNIT or not Input values...

C Programming - Assignment 12

 Assignment 12 ----------------------------- Create a 3 x3 matrix, input values to that matrix and display the values. Input values in a 3 x 3 matrix and print those values which are even Input values in  a[3][3] and  b[3][3] then find the sum of the matrices. Then display the resultant matrix Input values in a[3][3] and b[3][3] then find the difference of the matrices. Display the resultant  matrix Input values in a[3][3] and b[3][3] then find the product of the matrices. Display the resultant matrix Input values in a 3 x 3 matrix and then transpose the values of this matrix Input the values in a 3 x 3 matrix and print the values of only the upper triangle        Input values in a 3 x 3 matrix and print the values of only lower triangle.   

C Programming - Assignment 11

 Assignment 11 ---------------------------- Write an interactive program to implement a STACK data structure using arrays. The program should display the following options : PUSH POP DISPLAY EXIT           Do you want to do any more [Y/N]:             Program would keep asking the desired option to be selected           by   the  user. Is would perform the task based on the option                         selected. Write an interactive program to implement QUEUE data structure using arrays. The program should display the following options INSERT DISPLAY DELETE EXIT           Do you want to enter any more [ y/n]           Program would keep asking the desired option to be selected by                 the user...

C Programming - Assignment 10

 Assignment - 10 ------------------------ There are two arrays a[5]={1,23,45,3,66}; and b[5]={67,43,23,44,88}. Now create a third array tot[10] and try to store values of a and b. Consider the same two arrays above. Store the values of the arrays in the third array using the following rules All the even values from a and b to be stored in tot left to right  All the odd values from a and b are to be stored in tot right to left Input 10 values in an array a[10] and then try to store all the values of a[10] to b[10] in such a way that follows some rules. The rules are : All the even values from a to be stored in b left to right All the odd values from a to be stored in b right to left Input 10 values in an array and find the largest value input 10 values in an array and find the smallest value Input 10 values in an array and find the second largest value Input 10 values in an array, then input one another value find how many times this value is available in the array Input 10 val...

C Programming - Assignment 9

 Assignment -9  ------------------------- All the programs in this assignment are based on the concept of Arrays. [ There are 16 questions in this assignment ] Write program to create an integer array and initialize it with some values Write a program  to input 10 values in an array and print the 6th value  write a program to input 10 values in an array and find the sum of first and last values Write a program to input 10 values in an array and print the values Write a program to input 10 values in an array and print the values in reverse Write a program to input 10 numbers in an array and print all the even values of this array Write a program to input 10 numbers in an array and print all the odd values of this array. Write a program to input 10 values in an array and print the sum of all values of the array Write a program to input 10 values in an array and print the sum of only odd values Write a program to input 10 values in an array and print the sum of all odd ...

C Programming - Assignment 8

 Assignment - 8 --------------------------- This assignment is based on nested loops. These questions are pattern based and will really improve your problem solving skills. Write C Programs to generate the following patterns. One program for each of the below patterns. Hint : We will use nested loop concepts for solving all the pattern questions below. Pattern : 1 -------------------------- * * * * * * * * * * Pattern: 2 -------------------------- * * * *    * * *       * *          * Pattern: 3 --------------------------            *       *  *    * *  * * * *  * Pattern: 4 --------------------------        *    * * * * * * * * Pattern: 5 --------------------------         *     * * *  * * * * *     * * *       *  Pattern 6:  -------------------------- *...