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  Hello Everyone! Welcome to the blog " CodeWithAbby ". One stop solution for all your technical needs. I am from INDIA and create informative videos/write blogs and contents on various technical topics. Programming Languages, .NET Frameworks, .NET Core, Databases, Security, Career Development etc. Comment or write me for any of your queries at . Our youtube channels : Stay tuned.... Stay updated! Regards, Abby

SQL Queries - Assignment-5

 Assignment - 5 ------------------------- Write SQL Queries for the following (based on the above data). You can use SQL Server Management Studio to run your queries: Hint/Note :  You will be using the features here  IN, BETWEEN & TOP  Select (Display) all the floor details for the ground , first and second floor Select (Display) all the floor details except for the ground , first and second floor Select (Display) all the floor details having area in square feet between 1000 to 1300 Select (Display) all the floor details having area in square feet NOT between 1000 to 1300 Select (Display) all the residents details who were born between 1970 to 1980 Select (Display) top 1 residents details  Select (Display) top 50%  residents details   Select (Display) top 2 residents who resides in block 'A'  Select (Display) all residents whose name starts from letter 'A' - 'P' Select (Display) all users whose credentials created between January 2021 to December 2022  Let&#

SQL Queries - Assignment-4

 Assignment 4 -------------------------- Write SQL Queries for the following (based on the above data). You can use SQL Server Management Studio to run your queries: Hint/Note :  You will be using the features here. [1].  AND, OR & NOT  Select (Display) all the residents who were born before 1970. Select (Display) all the flats belonging to block 'A' and area in square feet is less than 1300 Select (Display) all residents who resides either in Block A or her/his names starts with 'A' ( No JOIN required) Select (Display) all residents who born between 1960 and 1970 Select (Display) all residents who are not of block 'A' Select (Display) all flats belonging to block 'A' and not ground floor Select (Display) all residents whose phone number starts with 9 and having gmail account Select (Display) all the flat details which are more than 1200 sqft but less than 1350 sqft Select (Display) all the flats on second floor but not in block 'B' Select (D

SQL Queries - Assignment - 3

 Assignment 3 -------------------------- Write SQL Queries for the following (based on the above data). You can use SQL Server Management Studio to run your queries: Hint/Note :  You will be using two features here. [1].  WHERE Clause   [2].  Like Keyword . Select (Display) all the flats belonging to 'A' Block. Select (Display) all the 3rd floor flats Select (Display) all the active users Select (Display) all the residents whose names start with English letter 'a' or 'A' Select (Display) all the residents whose names end with English letter 'a' or 'A' Select (Display) all the residents whose names second character English letter 'a' or 'A' Select (Display) all the residents whose names third character English letter 'i' Select (Display) all the residents whose names contain the word 'kumar' Select (Display) all the residents whose names  First character is 'a' and second character can be anything in [m,j] S

SQL Queries - Assignment - 2

  Assignment 2 ------------------------ Write SQL Queries for the following (based on the above data). You can use SQL Server Management Studio to run your queries: Hint/Note :  You will be using two features here. [1]. use of aliases [2]. use of DISTINCT keyword. Select (display) all the details of all the residents  Select (display) floor numbers from the flatMaster table. (What are all the flats?) Select (display) residentName, phone and email of all the residents Select (display) all the flat details. Select (display) resident's Name, Date of Birth and flat they belong to Select (display) residentName as (Resident Name), DOB as (Date Of Birth) , flatNo (Flat Residing In) Display unique floors Display unique blocks What are all distinct size of flats available  Select (display) all users names with their respective passwords Select (display) all the maid/househelp details with their experience Select (display) all the maid names and the flat they are working in Select (Display)